The following actions or displays of behavior will not be tolerated…









Disrespect of the Rules of Consent

If you notice any safety concerns, bigotry or are in need of first aid, please let our staff know.

We are here to help you.

CONSENT IS Mandatory

Consent is required when interacting with others. We believe this is a universal principle in and outside our spaces.

This means you do not touch others without their consent. A person’s choice of self-expression is not an invitation for non-consensual touching. Any disrespect of this rule will not be tolerated. We take the safety of our staff and patrons very seriously.

Any form of harassment including leering, rude comments or touching will be dealt with, and anyone caught harassing other patrons will be given a lifetime ban from our club. Our staff is here to support you.



Kremwerk is currently not an ADA-accessible space. Club entry is through a flight of 12 metal stairs, with two small steps leading into the main part of the club. We have 2 restrooms with a total of 3 stalls and 1 urinal, all gender-neutral.

Timbre Room

Timbre Room is ADA accessible with a ramp to the front door/bar area, and access to the back door/dance area through the patio area, and 2 accessible gender-neutral restrooms available.


Cherry is ADA accessible has access to the back door/dance area through separate entrance on Minor St. ADA entrance to the patio is through the main entrance. Two closed accessible gender-neutral restrooms are available and 2 open gender-neutral stalled bathrooms / urinals.

For any questions about safety & accessibility, please email


For the sake of the vibe during dance parties, we ask that you avoid using your phones or taking photos anywhere on the dance floor. Feel free to use your phones on the patio.